Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Oh, the Possibilities...

I helped throw a baby shower tonight. Voluntarily. Zero pressure.

And... I had a BLAST!

My cousin, E, is going to have her baby very soon and I honestly couldn't be more excited. She has spent her time (5 1/2 years) in the infertility and RPL trenches, and is about to emerge victorious. It gives me butterflies to think about it, and makes me grin from ear-to-ear.

I loved tonight. E was beautiful, happy, and so much fun to be with. She is seriously the cutest pregnant woman I have ever seen. And you know what? Even though I had to sneak out to give myself my injections, I didn't get sad! It was more me going through the motions, and not really thinking about the shots. I was mostly just anxious to get back to the party! I love spending time with my cousins, especially the ones that were there. I always have a good time when I'm around them, and never leave without shedding a few tears that come from laughter.

I came home with nothing but fond memories and hope tucked in my mind. Not an ounce of bitterness. E, has just taken a little bit of power away from the IF monster on my behalf, and she doesn't even know she did it. I can't even express how grateful I am. Her baby will always have a special place in my heart. This Little One is proof that it's possible to win.

E, is totally going to rock this "mom" thing. I can't wait. This baby can not get here soon enough!

I'm going to take this feeling as a sign. This cycle will be better. I'm not sure how... but it will be better.

Speaking of this cycle... my E2 is already at 526 after 5 days of stims (it was 180 on Monday). I'd be lying if I didn't say I was a little nervous. At this point last time I was only at 368, and by the end my Dr. was getting pretty worried about OHSS. Apparently it doesn't take a lot to stimulate (or overstimulate) my ovaries... too bad they don't have more to give. I did have 5-8 follies measuring at 11 mm, and a few smaller ones as well. As usual, my left ovary was playing hide and seek, and it was hard to get a clear picture. Hopefully Saturday will be better.

So, to recap - Not all baby showers suck, E's pregnancy has given me a ton of hope, and things are moving right along with my cycle.

Oh, and my cousins are better than your cousins.

I'm just sayin'.


AnxiousMummyto3 said...

Yay for your cousin, SO awesome!!
Hope you don't get OHSS. I've heard the risks are lower for womenn who have fewer than 10 follies? But no idea really! One day at a time ok?

Mrs. Gamgee said...

Those moments are wonderful aren't they? When you realize that hope is still possible...

CJ said...

Looks like we might have very close retrieval dates! thats if I make it to retrieval :P my E2 level was at 1,700 on day 4 of stims!!!!! and that is with only using 125 Ui of follistim. I am anxiously awaiting the doctors call to see if I can continue at a lower dosage, other wise its cancelation number two for me, due to risk of OHSS :(

Annie said...

A fun baby shower? Good to know this is still possible. Hooray for your cousin and may you follow in her footsteps!